Report HOA Spying and Harassment

If you live in Peachtree Village, you may have noticed that, lately, a car very similar to the one in the above image has been prowling around our neighborhood, spying on our homes. In spite of the effort by Goodwin and Company (the FOR-PROFIT, HOA management company currently employed by our HOA Board) to make them appear close to a police car or some official representative of the City of Plano, they are NEITHER! Instead, this private company is using OUR money which we all pay each month to our HOA, NOT to help our community in any way (for example, not by making note of potholes on our streets and reporting them to the City of Plano for the road maintenance department to fix), but to SPY ON US!
The person driving this car is an employee of Goodwin and Company (again, whose salary is paid, in part, from OUR money) who is tasked with finding things which THEY consider a "violation," everything from a home's paint color to what sort of lawn decorations one has! Then, this list of "violations" is to be used to generate a "fine," anywhere from $50.00 to $500.00 which, unless you know your rights as a homeowner/lessee, you might be intimidated into paying!
In case you don't know, this greedy company, just last year, increased their profits from 1.5 $Billion in 2023 to 2 $Billion in 2024! And now we know how they're doing it--By using fear, divisionary and intimidation tactics! Already, this greedy company is also hoping our HOA Board into raising our monthly dues, just so they can extort us more than they already do!
But we do NOT have to take this abuse! Our HOA Board is NOT required to hire any sort of management company, but could have easily been self-managed. They could have simply selected and even provided a small stipend (which would be WAY less than the $6264.00 Goodwin and Company is presently gouging us for) to oversee a checking account where our monthly dues would be sent and, out of those funds, send a check to the lawn service company to take care of our greenbelt...and other than that, stay away from our homes! But that's not what they've been doing! Instead, they use a large portion of OUR money to pay a large corporation to do their dirty work for them!
Sure, in the event there might actually be one homeowner who is really and truly, GROSSLY neglecting their property, in such a way that it really and truly has an impact on the safety, health or well-being of others, a simple call to the City of Plano's Neighborhood services is all that's required to address any REAL problem. Otherwise, we don't need other people who do NOTHING to pay our mortgages/rent, our utilities, our taxes, or for any other expenses WE as the OWNERS or LESSEES (who are, for all practical purposes, de facto owners) of our homes incur, to think our homes belong to THEM and, therefore, THEY have control! Let's put a stop to this nonsense!