Let's End the Extremely Expensive Crab Grass Scam, and Convert Our GREENBELT Back to the Beauty of Heat Resistant, Water-Conserving, Native, Texas Plants!
Here at Peachtree Village, we homeowners have been paying a king's ransom every year just to maintain the UNNATURAL, non-native and, frankly, UGLY crab grass on our greenbelt. Why? Because that's what everyone else does? (Didn't we learn in KINDERGARTEN that's not a good reason!) Because there's some law saying we have to (hint: There isn't)? Because someone is making a LOT of money at our expanse? (Yeah, that is for sure!)
So, why, especially after last summer's debacle when our way old (40 years) sprinkler system broke down and, we not only leaked a TON of water, but several homeowners had water spraying into their yards, and in at least one case, the water was spraying right into a storage unit and almost destroy $1000s in electronic equipment! We simply cannot keep paying so much of our hard-earned money just to maintain a very poor idea of what some people think a greenbelt should look like!
There is a far better alternative, though--Native Plants! Each time, again, when we pay a landscaping company to roll through our greenbelt and they mow down everything in their path, they are literally destroying the very answer to our problem. All we have to do is GET OVER the idiotic idea that the water coming from our city which is purified for DRINKING should be thrown on the ground, in crazy large quantities, when there are COMPLETELY NATURAL plants and grasses and bushes that, if given half a chance would replace all the UGLY crab grass we now have...and guess what the real beauty is? IT WON'T COST US A DIME! We could, simply save all the money we're paying for the expensive landscaping company, the expensive water bills, and the expensive electric bill to run the aging sprinklers, cap off the water lines and let Nature do the rest!