Resident Sovereignty--You Pay, You Rule!

Peachtree Village (Plano, Texas) Homeowner Rights Advocacy is uniting homeowners to protect our individual home sovereignty from the abusive practices of control-obsessed HOA Board members and greedy, for-profit HOA management companies, like Goodwin and Company, Inc.

Does HOA Board pay your monthly mortgage? No!

Does any HOA Board pay your property taxes? No!

Do the employees of the HOA Board (like Goodwin and Co.) offer to help do any of the maintenance of your home? No!

Do they pay your electric bill? No!

Do they help cut your lawn or pay for your decorative flowerbeds or bushes or trees? No!

Do they help you fix cracks in your driveway? No!

Do they fix your windows if they crack or leak out argon? No!

Do they help when your fence slats fall off? No!

Do they offer financial assistance if your home is located next to a bank with supports (like rail ties) are falling apart? No!


And yet, THEY look down on us and treat us like garbage, and presume to order us, to threaten us and to make us feel as if THEY OWN OUR HOMES, even though they DO NOTHING, NOR PAY FOR ANYTHING!

Instead, they TAKE our money and are, right now, plotting on ways to take even more of our money, regardless of the fact that so many of our neighbors are struggling just to make ends meet!

It is, therefore, long past the time when we say, "No more to this abuse!"