The Current Peachtree Village HOA Board Shamelessly Refused to Listen to Residents Who Showed Up For Their So-Called "Open Discussion"!
For all of us who took the time and trouble from our very busy lives last night to attend the current Peachtree Village Homeowners Association meeting last night (March 3, 2025) at Plano Bible Chapel in order for each one of us to have an opportunity to speak to the Board to let them know about the many ways in which we've been mistreated by Goodwin and Co., the Board did all they could to silence our voices...but what a mistake that is already proving to be!
First, they purposely reduced the allotted meeting time to ONLY ONE HOUR which, by the way, NEVER happens! They made it seem as if the Church had some other important need for the room where we met, so we just had to stop by 7:30 PM...though they actually cut the meeting short at 7:25! Less than a handful of us homeowners were permitted to speak at all, and even then, the employee from Goodwin and Co. who, quite tellingly, had her seat at the table alongside the other 4 Board members, kept claiming our time was up when, in fact, it was barely 1 minute. But little were they prepared when several homeowners stood up and demanded we have more time to communicate, yielding their time, so we at least got a few minutes to let the Board know they need to stop interfering with our homeowner sovereignty!
First and foremost, a huge THANK YOU to everyone, even one young couple with a small child, who came out in the largest turnout for as long as any could remember! Please be assured of this--YOUR VERY PRESENCE HAD A HUGE IMPACT! While the Board president and the paid representative from Goodwin and Co. (the HOA management company who gets $512.00 of OUR MONEY so they can spy on us, write down all sorts of allegations which they call "violations" in order to send us letters demanding we pay a "fine, or else") droned on and on and on about how they have been doing such a "good job"! As we sat there, patiently waiting for what had been advertised, even on their all corporate website "Town Sq," that this meeting was to include a "open discussion," it soon became very clear they had no intention whatsoever to hear ALL we had to say! Instead, threw up a projection screen picture of all the money, LOTS OF MONEY, many 10s or $1,000s, they had spent (though many of the figures were years old), largely for watering and cutting the natural plants and grasses of our greenbelt, but also how many more $1,000s have been placed in a money-market fund!!! To add insult to injury, they told us about their plan to soak each one of us for another $250.00 in order to pay for the ridiculously expensive bid to tear up the greenbelt and put down granulized sand in its place, a crazy expensive plan that would cost, at least, $50,000.00!
They also rolled out a plan to begin harassing our neighbors who are leasing their homes. They talked about making them pay an extra fee, about $800.00 each, and pressuring them to sign a document which would pretend to obligate them (totally illegal) to follow all the 100s of ridiculous and outdated, current HOA rules!
Then there were the informal after-meeting discussions where it became more evident than ever just how much this group of people LOOKS DOWN on us, especially OUR NEIGHBORS who are leasing their homes. At one point, the president told one homeowner, "We have to control people, especially the renters, because they are so dirty, they have rats!" Their palpable level of condescension, their flagrant disregard for our common humanity, and the blatant proof of just how OUT OF TOUCH they are was obvious to us all!
Whether you were able to attend this meeting or you couldn't (and its completely understandable if you couldn't), there is no more need to question the reality about this Board--THEY DO NOT REPRESENT, NOR CARE ABOUT US, the PEOPLE, the human beings, who live in Peachtree Village! By great contrast, they regard us as children at best, but mostly, a disheveled mob of "dirty," less-than-human, "others"!
Last night, we gave this Board a chance to show us if they had any ability whatsoever to hear what we have to say, to find out what sort of disrespect and fearmongering we've been subjected to by Goodwin and Co. If it were true this management company was the problem, they could have, but chose not to, received a motion from the floor to recognize our homeowner sovereignty, to fire Goodwin and Co., to order them to reimburse the funds collected from their phony "fines," but said, "WE'RE NOT DECIDING ANYTHING TONIGHT!"
Of course, this Board would love to keep giving us the FALSE impression that they are some sort of government body which has the authority to MAKE us pay fines THOUGH THIS IS A LIE! The Peachtree Village HOA Board is NOT a city, county, state or any other sort of territorial POLICE! They do NOT have the right to exact fines from us and, if in the past you were intimidated into giving them any money, you have every right to sue them to get it back (more on this in upcoming articles)!
While we gave them every chance to show us they could listen and to take even one action to put a stop to this dictatorial and, frankly, tyrannical, behavior, their agent, Goodwin and Co., has been subjecting us to, it's now obvious, they've made up their minds to keep up the abuse! We now know for certain, the REAL PROBLEM is NOT Goodwin and Co.; it's the current HOA Board itself!
Therefore, if you, our neighbors (whether homeowner or lessee) want this abuse to end, please let us know if you could set aside yet another evening to get together and decide what our next move should be. Sure, we could wait around and allow this current HOA Board to set a date for an annual meeting vote for, possibly, new board members. But we already know they'll very likely do all they can, just like the last time, IN THE MONTH OF JUNE, schedule a date and time (like this last meeting, at 6:30 PM, when many of us are still driving home from work, trying to get dinner on the table, and deal with all the many other responsibilities we have) that would prevent most of us from attending, and make little effort to even let us know about it!
Please, then, let us know at, when would be the best day and time for as many of us homeowners and lessees to meet, allow EVERYONE to be heard without suppression and then, WE WILL TAKE ACTION!
We could, for example, hold an emergency annual meeting and choose our own board, but not for the purpose of dictatorially ruling over us, but to create a FRIENDLY, RESPECTFUL, NEIGHBORHOOD HELP ORGANIZATION. We could also hold a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE, declaring our current HOA Board does NOT have our support, because it's very clear they DO NOT SUPPORT US. We could, and probably should, call for a STRIKE--to not send one more dollar to Goodwin and Co., just so they can use and abuse us! Clearly, this current Board has already gouged us for way too much money already, and they need us a LOT more than we need them! In fact, WE DON'T NEED THEM AT ALL, and we don't need to send our hard-earned money to them or anyone else. It's well within our rights, as homeowners, as neighbors, as Texans, as American citizens or legal residents, to assert our freedom from HOA abuse!